One of the quilts I managed to complete on time!
"Fertile Ground" 2017
Read MoreI made pants!! Like, real live actual pants! And….I made a zipper fly!! Not even close to perfect but pretty darn good for my second ever fly zipper!
I mean seriously, I did it! You should too! It’s not scary at all and the zipper tutorial from Cali Faye collection makes it go by in a painless fashion!
I see a bunch more in my future!
Photos of me courtesy of my awesome 8-year-old!
A new year is here and I’m jumping on the 100 days challenge. One of my goals is to blog at least 3 times in those 100 days. This one is just a warm up.
Ok, here we go! I’m kicking the year off with a celebratory post about my November Nights quilt that I made for Quiltcon. I’m celebrating because I just today mailed it off to LA, to the Quiltcon offices so that it can be displayed at the show! AH! Snoopy Dance! I’m also so very nervous, I hope it makes it alright and that once it arrives it’s in show worthy condition.
This is the photo I sent in with my entry. I hope it’s just as captivating in person.
I had an immediate vision of the quilt when I received the Michael Miller challenge fabric, with absolutely no idea how I would even attempt to make it a reality.
It’s a bit of a blur. I spent a LOT of late nights working it all out and avoiding it at the same time. I’m still not quite sure how I managed to pull it off, but I did, just barely. I cut it close, to the absolute last second. That’s how I work, under pressure and pushing the deadline.
I have to tell you all that I couldn’t have done any of this without having gone to Sewtopia. This post explains some of it, but it doesn’t tell you how much it sparked something in me. It helped me find a new path and this quilt was built because of Sewtopia. THANK YOU!
Thanks for stopping by and if you are in Pasadena, Ca for Quiltcon say “Hi!” to my quilt for me!
I was super lucky to be able to attend Sewtopia Chicago, the first ever midwest event. I live about four hours away from the windy city and so I packed up my family and drove!
I was super nervous when I arrived because as much as I “knew”some the people from their IG presence I didn’t really actually know anyone.
I am glad that this Sewtopia had classes and instructors, which helped with the not knowing anyone part for me.
First up was class with Rita Hodge of red pepper quilts who traveled all the way from Australia to be with us! Rita is a wonderful teacher and I learned things that I didn’t even know I wanted to know. I now feel completely confident in y-seaming and have a new outlook on how to piece my quilt backs. Thanks Rita!!
The other teacher was Latifah Saafir who brought her molehills quilt pattern. Do you know what I did? I cut all my fabric with a rotary cutter and no ruler, nope none, just freehand. And ya know what? it was awesome! Wanna know what else? I sewed the entire thing without using one single pin! Woo! Latifahs way of thinking is right up my ally, a little loose and little “it all work out”, and a lot AMAZING! You all should run out and get this pattern it’s that good! No Seriously..go …after reading my post!
Lastly I participated in the Michael Miller Challenge and….I WON! Eeek still can’t believe it! I made a huge oversized “open wide” zipper bag.